With more than 1.4 million members, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters is America's strongest labor union. In Illinois, Teamsters Local 722 is protecting workers
and securing contracts, defending the rights necessary to rebuild the middle class. Join the Teamsters and start fighting for your future.
Welcome to America's strongest union
Shawn Dowd, President
Recipients of the 2024 Teamsters Local 722 Scholarship
Teamsters Local Union #722 offers a Scholarship Program to family members of their active members. Six (6) - $500.00 scholarships are awarded to three (3) boys and three (3) girls. Recipients are chosen by a random drawing at the August Executive Board meeting. However this year, only one (1) boy applied, so the Executive Board made a motion to give the remaining 2 scholarships that would have been given to boys, to 2 girls.
Recipients of the 2024 Scholarship are:
Alexa Morris – mother Jocelyn Morris
Diana Montalvo – grandfather Travis Crandall
Taylor Pinter – father Aaron Pinter
Gabrielle Peasley – father Mark Peasley
Rebekah Hendershott – father Brian Hendershott
Jericho Kirby – father Jeffrey Kirby
The International Brotherhood of Teamsters offers other scholarships and Tuition Service. Please visit www.jrhmsf.org for more information.
The application process for scholarships from the James R. Hoffa Memorial Scholarship Fund is now open. The deadline for application completion is March 1, 2025.
Direct Link to Apply: https://aim.applyists.net/JRHMSF/
Program Key: JRHMSF
The Teamsters Local Union #722 Scholarship application is now available for 2025! They are dues in our office August 8, 2025.
Click here to obtain a copy or call our office to have a copy mailed.
Important Updates
Illinois' next General Election will be held Tuesday, November 8, 2022. Click here for more information on voter registration in your county statewide.
Learn more about your elected officials in Illinois. Click here for helpful links to contact your legislators, locally and on the state and federal levels.
All general membership meetings are held at 9 a.m. The following are dates and locations of future meetings:
Sunday, January 26 - LaSalle Hall
Sunday, February 23 - Dixon AFSCME Hall
Sunday, March 23 - LaSalle Hall
Sunday, April 27 - Dixon AFSCME Hall
Sunday, May 18 - LaSalle Hall
June, July & August - No Meetings
Sunday, September 28 - LaSalle Hall
Sunday, October 26 - Dixon AFSCME Hall
Sunday, November 23 - LaSalle Hall
Sunday, December 21 - Dixon AFSCME Hall
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